Collective Worship
"Where two or more are gathered in my name, I am there among them" Matthew 18:20

Collective Worship & Liturgy Training
Our school embraces Collective Worship and to ensure that this is of the highest possible standard, we provide ongoing liturgy planning support for staff & pupils alike; this is monitored and reviewed regularly to ensure we continually strive to improve our practice. Acts of Worship include:
- Monday: whole school Act of Worship based on our school qualities planned and led by our teaching staff
- Tuesday: whole school Act of Worship based on the Gospel from the previous weekend. This is planned and led by our Junior Chaplains.
- Wednesday: Prayer & Praise enables our children to deepen their faith through hymn singing and prayerful reflection, including a range of traditional and contemporary music,’ – planned and led by Mrs Duncan
- Thursday: . class based Act of Worship, using the Scripture books and planned and led by Class Liturgy Teams
- Friday: Praise Assembly or Class Sharing Assembly which provides pupils, staff and parents with the opportunity to celebrate the mission of our school to ‘Be the best you can be!’ and SMQuality
Staff also engage in their own special liturgies during staff meetings, staff prayers and at key points in the liturgical year, such as Advent and Lent; providing us with the opportunity to pray and reflect on the Word as a staff team, including the use of ‘Little Lectio’ as a form of worship.