Catholic Life
As a Catholic Primary School, we work hard to develop and sustain the school’s Catholic distinctiveness
Christian Ethos
The Gospel values of love, kindness and compassion are rooted in the heart of St Mary Queen of Martyrs; underpinning everything we do. From Collective Worship, to Restorative Practice, our values are evident not only in our relationships with one another; but in the tireless support we give to all our children and staff, allowing them to flourish not only academically and professionally, but emotionally and spiritually.
Each and every individual is encouraged to make the most of their talents and fulfil their potential; remembering always that they are loved and cherished members of our school family, be they Catholic or from other faiths and cultures.
As a result, staff and pupils alike, have a clear sense of worth, knowing that we are contributing towards something warm and special at St Mary Queen of Martyrs. Joyfully we work together to serve our school and parish community; even sharing our mission with partner school in Sierra Leone. Knowing that Jesus loves us, we live, learn and love together, always aspiring to be the best that we can be in every aspect of school life.
Christian Worship
The Christian ethos of our school is strongly enhanced through close links with two Catholic churches: St Mary Queen of Martyrs and St Francis. Our Parish Priest and School Chaplaincy Co-ordinator are closely involved with the spiritual life of the school.

Father Mulholland, the staff and the chaplain ensure that our children are actively involved in preparing for Mass at the beginning and the end of each half term. These masses take place in the school hall, ensuring the mass is the centre of school life. Additional Masses, reflecting seasonal feast days and other special occasions are also celebrated in the church. Our children participate enthusiastically as servers, readers and offertory helpers; and their singing and reverence is a credit to themselves and their families.
Wednesday Word
As part of our mission to share the Gospel, we provide our children with a helpful publication known as the ‘Wednesday Word’. This is shared in the form of a weekly leaflet; and includes not only the Gospel reading, but a range of thoughtful reflections and fun activities relating to the Gospel theme. The Gospel is then followed up in school at our Monday Act of Worship. Families are also able to access to online games and resources at home using the ‘Wednesday Word’ website.
The latest Wednesday word can be accessed below:
Prayer Life & Prayer Stations
Prayer is central to the life of St Mary Queen of Martyrs. We pray regularly during the day, including: Our Morning Offering, Lunchtime & End of the Day prayers. In addition to our daily prayers, we also offer the opportunity for special prayers through our ‘Rosary Club’ and ‘Meditation & Memories” prayer meetings. These Monday lunchtime clubs are run by an enthusiastic group of former Junior Chaplains who are keen to continue their service in school as ‘Prayer Champions’.
Our Prayer Champions are also instrumental in helping to plan & monitor special prayer stations. These stations are designed to promote prayerful reflection at key points during the liturgical year, including Advent, Lent and Pentecost.
Adoration of the blessed sacrament to enable our children to spend time in prayer with Jesus.