Sports Premium
What is Sports Premium?
Sports Premium is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools to increase the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, as well as increasing participation in PE and Sport. The amount of funding received is based upon the number of children of primary age the school has.
The intended outcomes from the funding are:
1. Ensuring pupils become physically literate and enabling them to access a lifelong participation in physical activities
2. Improving teacher/pupil monitoring & assessment as well as 'continuous professional development' opportunities for the staff to enhance knowledge and confidence in teaching P.E.
3. Promoting social skills, independent learning and positive behaviour in order to increase pupil progress and raise attainment (as per the Department for Education guidelines)
4. Increasing the quality of our teaching across a broad and exciting PE curriculum through which ALL pupils will have wide-ranging opportunities to embrace and enjoy physical activity.
5. The school, children, parents and the sports coaches working together continuously in order to maximise the potential of every participant to be the best that they can be.
The P.E. Co-ordinator and School Business Manager will keep up-to-date public records to demonstrate the current allocation of the PE premium funding. Please click link below to see our PE And Sport Premium Action Plan.