Design & Technology

In Design and Technology, our aim is to develop children’s creativity and imagination in our technically evolving world. We will provide real and relevant problems within a range of contexts for children to acquire their design skills. We want our children to be motivated and inspired to produce their own innovative designs. Children will be taught the technical skills required to design and make mechanical, electrical and structurally sound products. Opportunities will be provided for the children to use a range of tools and materials. Links will be made with mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art. Children will be encouraged to become problem solvers through testing their products and making the necessary amendments. We endeavour to plan products which are environmentally friendly. We hope to foster a love of design amongst girls and boys in all areas of the design and technology curriculum.
Cooking and Nutrition
In Food Technology our aim is to inspire children to prepare and eat a healthy, balanced diet. We will ensure that our pupils understand what a healthy diet entails and the benefits we gain from healthy eating. Opportunities will be provided for all our pupils to taste and enjoy a variety of healthy foods. We will teach children the life skills required to cook a basic healthy meal using fresh ingredients. Throughout the school, food projects will be carefully chosen with the family kitchen in mind so that our children can make and enjoy their dishes at home with their family. We hope to foster positive food experiences and empower the children with the necessary skills to make healthy and ethical food choices.