r St Mary Queen of Martyrs Voluntary Catholic Academy | Our Staff
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Our Staff

Please find details of our school staff for the 2021/22 academic year below.

Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Coldham Head of School, Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Duncan Assistant Head of School
Miss Uney Assistant Head of School
Mr Evans Phase 1 Leader and SEND Lead
Ms Brunning EYFS Phase Leader
Mrs Wilson Designated Safeguarding Lead
Teaching Staff
Miss Cowen Year 6
Mrs Allen and Miss Uney Year 5/6
Miss Perry Year 5
Mrs Hayden-Craggs Year 4
Miss Read Year 3/4
Mrs Pickard Year 3
Mr Evans/Mrs Hewitt Year 2
Miss Broadhead and Mrs Redmond Year 1/2
Miss Kay Year 1
Mrs Brunning and Miss Beech FS2
Miss Martin FS1
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Shepherdson, Mrs Laws, , Mrs Hardmeat, Miss Wilson, Miss Paddison and Miss Atkinson Year 5 and 6
Mrs Paterson, Miss Lenham and Miss Conroy Year 3 and 4
Mrs Stallard, Miss Caulfield Year 1 and 2
Mrs Downes, Mrs Offen, Mr Brown, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Fuller, Miss Wilson and, Miss Paddison EYFS
Administration Staff
Mrs Chadwick Office Manager
Miss Holtby Adminstration Assistant
Lunchtime and Breakfast Club Staff
Mrs Burton Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Kent Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss Myers Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Lamb Breakfast Club and Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Langdale Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Bielby Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Wright Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Simpson Lunchtime Supervisor
Site Staff
Mr Hopper Site Facilities Officer