At St Mary Queen of Martys our lay chaplain is Mary Collinge.
Chaplains fill a pivotal role in the life of our school by ensuring that the Chaplaincy mission is at the heart of everything we do. They encourage our students to explore their faith by leading liturgies, extra-curricular activities including prayer groups and the Mini Vinnies (SVP) group. They also support the pastoral care of our students and liaise with our family of schools and parishes.
Within school the Junior Chaplaincy team are a group of pupils from each year group who along with Mrs Collinge have the following role:
- To help the school to be a community of faith.
- To encourage pupils to live their faith in daily living.
- To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.

Junior Chaplaincy Team
We have a thriving Junior Chaplaincy Team made up of eight pupils from across Years 3 to 6. The team meet every Monday to plan and lead their own whole school Acts of Worship. In addition to this they provide invaluable class based support; training and guiding class liturgy groups in planning and leading weekly class based acts of worship. They are also responsible for promoting and developing the spiritual environment of our school, including the monitoring of Sacred Spaces and liturgy box resources.
Pupils interested in serving as Junior Chaplains complete a letter of application before they are elected by their teachers and classmates. At the beginning of their year of service, they are lucky enough to share in a special Reflection Day where they meet with other chaplaincy teams from the family of Catholic schools. During the day, they engage in a range of fun activities designed to help them learn what it means to be chaplain, culminating in a special ‘Commissioning Service’. These are some of their thoughts:
“We have good fun and work together as a team to think of different ways to share the Word...We teach people what it means to be like Jesus”