Every child, from F2 – Year 6, is expected to wear school uniform every day.
Our school uniform is supplied by Steady Schoolwear in Hull:
Steady Schoolwear Central
16 Savile Street, Hull City Centre, HU1 3EF
Tel: 01482 322982
Email: orders@steadyschoolwear.co.uk
Normal Opening Hours:
Monday to Friday 9.15am to 4.30pm
Saturday 10am to 2pm

Click icon above to be directed to their site.
Please find below our school uniform in accordance with our uniform policy.
Everyday uniform:
- Maroon cardigan/jumper (with logo)
- Plain pale blue polo shirt
- Mid grey school trousers for boys and girls
- Grey school skirt/pinafore for girls
- Pale blue gingham dresses are optional for girls and mid grey shorts for boys during the summer months
- Grey, navy or white socks/tights
- Black plimsolls/Sandshoes.
- Our grounds warrant the need for clean black indoor shoes (e.g plimsolls) which may also be used for indoor P.E.
- School book bag (with logo)
P.E Kit – to be kept in school at all times and will be sent home every holiday for cleaning
- White t-shirt (with logo)
- black or navy shorts
- trainers are needed for outdoor PE
- Children can wear tracksuits or other suitable P.E attire for the winter months.
- PE drawstring bag (with logo)
Optional extras
- Maroon baseball cap (with logo)
- School storm coat (with logo)
- School Fleece (with logo)
School Uniform rules
- No jewellery can be worn in school; with the exception of a small pair of stud earrings and a watch (not a smart watch to which both must be removed for P.E)
- Extreme hair styles, hair gel and hair colouring are not permitted.
- For health and safety reasons long hair must be always be tied up and only sensible sized bows used, preferably in the school colours.
- Make-up, nail varnish, temporary tattoos etc. are not permitted at any time.
Thank you for your co-operation