Our behaviour management policy is based on the same philosophy as our Mission Statement: ‘Be the best you can be, Jesus loves you always’.
In planning our strategies for behaviour management, we have to address ‘each child’s entitlement to appropriate learning opportunities’, everybody’s right to be ‘welcomed and respected as unique persons created in the image and likeness of God’, everybody’s need to be ‘appreciated within the communal life of the school’ while involving every member of the school family ‘in determining the school’s self-image and in protecting its aims and ethos at all times’.
Our behaviour management policy is based on the same philosophy as our Mission Statement: ‘Be the best you can be, Jesus loves you always’. This means that everything we do is rooted in our commitment to being a community of adults and children whose behaviour and actions are determined by the ethos of the Good News of the gospels and supported by the doctrines and traditions of the Catholic Faith.
Our school approach to behaviour is based around three principles:
- Ready – being ready to learn and allow others to learn
- Respectful – being respectful to all
- Safe – being and keeping yourself and others safe
It is Trust-wide practice to scrutinise pupil attendance with rigor to ensure that all pupils can fulfil their potential through maximised learning. If you need help or support with any issues that may affect your child’s attendance at school, please speak to a member of our staff team who will be pleased to help.
Children are encouraged to attend school regularly through various incentives. Children achieving 100% are rewarded termly and at the end of the academic year!
If your child cannot attend school because they are unwell please inform the Office by 8:50am on the first day of absence and every day thereafter until they return. Call us on 825625; use the school app or just pop in! If you do not provide a reason for your child’s absence, he/she will receive an unauthorised absence mark for the day. An accumulation of unauthorised absences within a term may result in a Penalty Notice fine.
Medical & Dental appointments: Parents/carers are asked to make every effort to book medical and dental appointments outside of school hours and where this is not possible, to avoid school registration periods. Missing registration for a medical or dental appointment is only counted as an authorised absence when evidence of the appointment is presented
Holidays during Term Time : Permission for leave of absence in term time is only granted under exceptional circumstances and is strongly discouraged to avoid your child missing valuable learning that may cause them to fall behind.
Punctuality: Punctuality is important to your child’s education. Lots of important learning takes place during the first 10 minutes of the day. School begins prompt at 8:50am. If your child arrives after this time they will need to be registered at the Office and will receive a late mark in the register. If your child arrives later than 9:20 am he/she will receive an unauthorised absence mark for the morning session.
A full copy of our polices around behaviour and attendance can be found below: